Saturday, January 05, 2008


Falling as rain falls

on a mountain

storm, shower, mizzle

words cataract through ravines

stream across hills

pour into the wide embrace of rivers

as wild woodcarvers gouge, plane, polish the land

till, with a child’s delight,

dissolving in the indefinable, illimitable sea.



June Butler said...

Paul, this is a fine poem. The picture suits it.

Paul Bagshaw said...

Grandmère, you are very kind. It is a strange process to float these on the internet with no idea of who, if anyone sees them.

They are personal poems and by instinct I am a private person.

I am pleased you like them.

June Butler said...

I've posted a few poems of my own, Paul, and I do so in fear and trembling. The whole internet experience, in which "relationships" are formed, is strange.