May 1, and what has seemed like a bit of a holiday has now officially become unemployment. I'd better find an income from somewhere.
Still, I celebrated the end of my contract with the C of E with a pint and a meal in the Bascule and taking an elderly lady shopping in Sainsbury's (but not in that order) and then by going to church in the morning.
Just for a moment I had a sense of real time out, of being in a sacred space separate from all that was going on, from all the ordinaryness of the day and its noise and demands. It vanished as quickly as it came but it was a real boost.
And then to Common Ground where, amid the usual cloud of people - one person needing help with a court case, another had been thrown out of the place where he was staying on someone's floor when the landlord caught wind of it (being destitute he was entitled to 10 pounds and a small bag of food for a week), with meetings and people hanging around out of boredom or the desire for company, I helped review the volunteering process.
And a new phone to play with.
Definitely a good start.