Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winter hearts

finger-written on
a rear windscreen
in the snow:


still visible next morning
though slipped a bit
sagged by gravity
and a slight thaw:
a metaphor 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Two poems by Chris Carroll


One enters sleep
with a sliver of hope:
that fragile childhood thread
still connected to the wobbly tooth
and wakes to find it gone.


Fragments from a lost heart

Life simpliciter
Glimpses of passion and purpose
From another world
Fall as shadows
Around the walls of this prison

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Colnbrook Immigration Reception Centre


Sunday morning early

most homes still curtained-blind

I saw a pair of shoes

gaudy-gold giddy

night-out for fun shoes

some dozen yards apart

a half-pint bitter glass

abandoned unfinished

a lost thin silver ring

unconnected except

by my morning walk.

Tuesday morning later

I recognised a shoe

a grubby once-gold shoe

footloosed but not free lost

some distance from its old

place quite unconnected

except in my telling.

This morning early

homes still hard-blinded shut

against the dawn your door

exploded dragged vanned you

forcibly flew you back

not-home disconnected.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Plus ça change

I remember when Margaret Thatcher entered No. 10 with the words of St Francis of Assissi and Tony Blair to the sound of Things can only get better. Both in defiance of reality.

This time it's strong and stable, working arrangements, and new politics.


Ready. set,
hundred metre dash, off
before you know,
run, run, home. Again
but, angled for though
a surprise,
on the board
playing chess from the inside
not sure where to move
or when, or why,
or whether there’s pleasure
in another piece captured
till, didn’t see that coming,
kicked feather-flight so high
I can see the whole game now
every racket ready to
smash me into the
Netball! Yes!
Game! Match! Tournament!
Victory! in fantasy –
in fact I find
whist too slick for me
I knock,
lay my bones down,
quite dominoed now
told each card to play
in my final cribbage.

Monday, February 08, 2010


A pen is
not a word

a word is
not this shape

the shape is
not a sound

the sound is
not a thought

a thought is
not a pen.

Sunday, January 17, 2010



Described by stylus into the

parterre, a fountain: in design

quatrefoil, lilypads perhaps,

the waters of creation held

by a low concrete wall, its eye,

a double Janus-head, addressed

the four corners of the round world,

stone-blind. Its north face was carved as

a child, the next a chimera,

the third was that of a soldier,

and the final was agèd, each

spouted limpid water as though

it were given truth, the life-cup,

the tale of wealth and bought vision,

as though it were cheap as bone, and

all the splashed blood were washed away,

forgot, and each hour o’ the clock

a watchman’s shout, a phallic plume

declared time’s subjugation,

the Sisyphean victory.
